Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top Movie Munchies

Catching the next big movie on the big screen is an event in itself. However, the effects and surround sound is not the only exciting thing that happens. The trip to the concession stand is a huge part in making your movie going experience a hit as well. It is important to have the essentials to make your movie that much more enjoyable. That is why I will be tackling what I think are must haves while catching the latest flick. 

1. It is just not a moviegoing experience without the traditional movie popcorn. I do not know what it is about popcorn, However, it seems to make everything else right in the world when watching a movie. For myself I would love to know who even thought of snacking on popcorn while watching a movie. Its literally the best thing ever so I won't ask questions!
2. The second essential would without a doubt be grabbing your favorite candy. Its a MUST! you just   cannot watch a movie without some form of candy. For myself it would have to be peanut M&M's. I personally think God made them.
3.To top off all of these delicious food items that we need to feel secure enough to proceed with our movie would have to be a nice cold beverage. Sodas are an option that many choose while I like to go BIG and spring for the icee. You are already treating yourself to the movie why not the greatest drink ever?

There are many different types of food that are a go too for watching a movie but these are the classics.


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