Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The summer time is filled with sun, beaches, barbecues, and hanging with friends and family outside all day long. Some may have little to no time to watch the next big blockbuster in theaters during this time. However, I say that is wrong, what about those rainy or lazy days??? The perfect opportunity to either watch at home or go to your local theatre. In this post I will be discussing 2 Movies that will be sure to do great things at the Box office. One of the reasons why is because Movies aim for that perfect release date and some of these will do a lot better during this time because people are off from school and work making it easier for them to see it!

1st up is The Hangover Part 3. For the past two years every Memorial Day The Hangover has released a movie to tame the anticipation the fans have after seeing the first one not to long ago. It opened up with high expectations but with quick word of mouth the amount of people going to see this movie made it a huge hit at the box office. Be sure to check out The Hangover 3 in theaters for a good laugh!

The 2nd Movie this summer with high expectations is Man of Steel. Let me tell you something, this movie looks AWESOME. I was never into comics or anything along those lines while growing up, but with the way this movie looks I just may be.

Both of these movies will ROCK at the Box Office, so on a rainy day be sure to check out these two!
Happy Summer

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Hey all its me again!!! This week I decided to do something a little bit different from what I am normally bringing to you. Considering this weekend there are no real blockbusters at the box office i have decided to introduce to you what I think are the top 5 movies of all time! Top 5 as in the best!

    If you have not seen this movie, SHAME on you!!! The movie is an absolute masterpiece, a total mind blowing movie. Stephen King book that made it to the big screen that centers in on a friendship of two jailed men that strike up a friendship during their time. The ending is what totally well for myself makes it into the movie that is the biggest MUST SEE EVER!!!!!!!!! 20 thumbs up.


     Who has not seen the Godfather? I mean from the countless times it is available on TV, this movie is shown in homes all around the world and has instantly become one of the greatest! This movie for myself is number two on my list because it is all sorts of badass. Starring Marlon Brando, it portrays the Godfather of the family that is passing control of his family over to his son! Watch this movie!!!!!


       This Movie is up there just simply for its pure genius, it is easily one of the best movies because it has an absolutely wonderful cast. Quentin Tarantino's stylish cult classic interweaves a series of vignettes about low-life criminals, lovers, and thugs. Check this Movie out!


     Do you love a good war movie? Well look no further, I have one of the best ones ever right here for In Poland during World War II, Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazis. Be sure to check out one of Steven Speilbergs best film ever.

5. Last but certainly not least, this movie is one of my favorites because of just how sweet it is!
An angel helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman by showing what life would have been like if he never existed.

Some may never agree with me, simply because they might have a different taste in movies. However, movies are just a wonderful opportunity to get lost for a little bit in our world. Some of my favorite movies I watched after hearing so many people talk about them. So if any of these even simply strikes you as something you could watch I would say GO FOR IT! They are great movies!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013



   Literally everything you could ask for in a film all bundled up into one

Great Cast
Awesome Music
Fantastic Costumes and Props
The Best Script

and the excitement that will be brought to the theatre is enough for me to be happy for months!!!!

If you haven't already noticed I may be a tad bit excited for this film. I mean come on who would not. Leonardo DiCaprio is BACK and he looks awesome in this movie. The Great Gatsby is an American Novel that takes place in 1922 during what as we know as the roaring Twenties, a time in the United States where we had the opportunity to flourish into our great nation. It is set in Long Island where Nick Carraway a war veteran is lured into his neighbors lavish lifestyle of Jay Gatsby. After finally discovering what he really is like. He watches Jays life become filled with madness and tragedy. This is truly a remarkable story and hopefully an even more remarkable movie. The way they decided to present this film is very visually appealing and will be sure to catch the eye of really any film critic.

I hope it does not disappoint. Tell me what you think because this is an ABSOLUTE must see!!!!!

Have Fun at the Movies!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Hello all and welcome to Dinger's Movie Madness,

    This week I will be discussing the upcoming blockbuster that is Iron Man. For the past couple of years we have been treated to one of Marvels greatest and most fascinating super hero. Iron Man focuses in on a wealthy industrialist Tony Stark that was forced to build and armored suit after a life threatening incident. After, keeping his secret and continuing to be an engineering genius he decides to use his technology to fight against evil.

In the upcoming Iron Man 3 things take a turn for the worst when Tony Stark has developed an enemy known as Mandarian. His world comes crashing down and he sets out to see who is responsible. At every opportunity he is challenged and he is left alone to protect what he cherishes most.

Does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man????

Robert Downy Jr is back to bring forth the hit that is expected to kill it at the box office. So far across seas it has done exceptionally well. We will just have to wait and see after the weekend!
Be sure to check it out at your local theatre!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Disney Buys STAR WARS!

Hello Fellow Film Buffs,

   Just a little information and some updates on whats going on in the world of film!!!!

Just recently Walt Disney Co. bought the Lucasfilm in a 4 billion dollar deal, this will bring forth plans to unleash the 7th episode in the summer of 2015. At first there was a lot of not so happy campers when this news was released especially those diehard fans not being too thrilled that their beloved star wars would be under the hands of people that brought you disney princesses. Although I must say Disney has proven themselves to bring forth their game when necessary and I honestly think they will stop at nothing to make sure they satisfy those who appeal to this.The deal includes Lucasfilm's prized high-tech production companies, Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound, as well as rights to the "Indiana Jones" franchise.The company expects the Lucasfilm deal to add to earnings in 2015. Along with the cash, Lucas will end up owning about 40 million Disney shares, which is about a 2.2 percent stake of the 1.83 billion shares that will be in circulation when the transaction closes.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

This week in Movies

This upcoming weekend there is really only one movie that has great expectations!
The Evil Dead portrays Five twenty-something friends become holed up in a remote cabin. When they discover a Book of the Dead, they unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in the nearby woods, which possess the youngsters in succession until only one is left intact to fight for survival. 

This is a remake from the 1981 picture. The first did not gain a lot of recognition at the box office but the remake has a strong fan following and is expected to be the best scary movie this year! Just from the trailer I am absolutely terrified! So be sure to check it out this weekend in theaters!

This week in DVDs, Zero Dark Thirty is now available for your enjoyment. This outstanding and academy award nominee movie shows Maya  a CIA operative whose first experience is in the interrogation of prisoners following the Al Qaeda attacks against the U.S. on the 11th September 2001. For several years, she works alone in her pursuit of leads to uncover the whereabouts of Al Qaeda's leader, Osama Bin Laden. Finally, in 2011, it appears that her work will pay off, and a U.S. Navy SEAL team is sent to kill or capture Bin Laden. But only Maya is confident Bin Laden is where she says he is.

Be sure to rent this at your local red box or dvd store!!!!!