Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The summer time is filled with sun, beaches, barbecues, and hanging with friends and family outside all day long. Some may have little to no time to watch the next big blockbuster in theaters during this time. However, I say that is wrong, what about those rainy or lazy days??? The perfect opportunity to either watch at home or go to your local theatre. In this post I will be discussing 2 Movies that will be sure to do great things at the Box office. One of the reasons why is because Movies aim for that perfect release date and some of these will do a lot better during this time because people are off from school and work making it easier for them to see it!

1st up is The Hangover Part 3. For the past two years every Memorial Day The Hangover has released a movie to tame the anticipation the fans have after seeing the first one not to long ago. It opened up with high expectations but with quick word of mouth the amount of people going to see this movie made it a huge hit at the box office. Be sure to check out The Hangover 3 in theaters for a good laugh!

The 2nd Movie this summer with high expectations is Man of Steel. Let me tell you something, this movie looks AWESOME. I was never into comics or anything along those lines while growing up, but with the way this movie looks I just may be.

Both of these movies will ROCK at the Box Office, so on a rainy day be sure to check out these two!
Happy Summer

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